

A message from the Editor of Best of Bergamo

‘It is with great sadness that I’ve watched events unfold in Bergamo over the last few weeks and seen the coronavirus (Covid-19) cause devastation to the city I love so much.
The towers of the upper town seen from San Vigilio

My heart goes out to all the people who have lost loved ones and to those who have become ill with the virus.

I can only express my admiration for the tireless work of the emergency services and, in particular, the doctors and nurses in Bergamo, who are on the front line every day but remain unflinching in their dedication to their patients.

I am also sorry for the people who have had to close their businesses and whose livelihoods are suffering, many of whom have become my friends during the last ten years.

The empty streets and the beautiful buildings having to remain closed, which usually give so much pleasure to tourists when they visit, have been poignant sights.

But I have been heartened by the messages I have received from friends in Bergamo that have demonstrated the resilience of the Bergamaschi and shown their strong resolve to fight the virus together: ‘fermiamolo insieme!

Today marks the tenth anniversary of Best of Bergamo and during that time I have written many words highlighting the beauty of this elegant northern city with its fascinating mix of modern and medieval architecture.

My first post written on Tuesday 16 March 2010 about Il Sole restaurant in Piazza Vecchia was just the beginning of my long love affair with Bergamo.

I look forward to visiting Bergamo with my family in happier times and making that magical journey up to the Città Alta once again to revisit all our favourite places.

Viva Bergamo! e Viva l’Italia! Our thoughts are with you’.

From Val Culley, Editor of Best of Bergamo

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