

Beauty of Bergamo’s branch of Banca d’Italia

Banca d'Italia building in Bergamo
One of the most impressive buildings in Bergamo’s Città Bassa (lower town) is the Banca d’Italia in Viale Roma.
You will pass it on the right hand side as you go up to the Città Alta (upper town) by bus or walk to the funicular station further up the road.
Built of brown stone in keeping with the other public buildings erected at the beginning of the 20th century in the Città Bassa, the bank has a decorative façade. It was built in 1924 to a neo-Renaissance design by Marcello Piacentini, a Roman architect who had been commissioned with redesigning the Città Bassa in Bergamo in 1907.
The building has since become a symbol of Bergamo’s strong commercial and banking tradition.
The Banca d’Italia in Bergamo provides services for other banks and for Poste Italiane but does not offer services to the general public.
Decorative ceiling in the entrance to the bank
If you go up the steps in front of the three arched porticos you will be able to admire the paintings on the ceiling of the entrance lobby.
The Banca d’Italia is the central bank of Italy and part of the European system of central banks. It was established in 1893 from the amalgamation of four existing major banks in Italy .

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