

Ornate palace built after Italy became a kingdom

Not to be missed in Bergamo’s Città Bassa…


Palazzo della Provincia
One of the most impressive 19th century buildings in Bergamo’s Città Bassa (lower town) is the Palazzo della Provincia (provincial government building) in Via Torquato Tasso.
If you walk to the end of Via Sentierone and cross Largo Bortolo Belotti, Via Torquato Tasso continues in a straight line until it reaches Piazzetta Santo Spirito.
Bergamo’s seat of provincial government is on the right hand side of Via Tasso at number eight.
The palace was built between 1864 and 1871, the first public work to be carried out in Bergamo after the proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy.
The offices for the provincial government had previously been in the Città Alta (upper town) in Bernabo Visconti’s castle in Piazza Cittadella.
The new building was designed on a grand scale to house both the offices of the provincial administration and the prefecture of police. On the facade you will notice five carvings depicting significant events and personalities in Bergamo’s history. The final cost of the project was 640,000 lire.
While you are in Bergamo, look out for details of events and exhibitions taking place in Sala Manzù, an exhibition area that has been created inside the palace, named after Bergamo sculptor Giacomo Manzù.

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