

Stroll along Bergamo's ‘street of the walls’

The Città Alta's imposing walls
Viale delle Mura -- the street of the walls -- is a beautiful tree-lined avenue that runs along the sides of Bergamo’s fortified Città Alta (upper town).
It is interesting to walk around the entire span of the walls that separate the Città Alta from the Città Bassa (lower town) if you have the time.
And as you go along Viale delle Mura you can occasionally pause to sit on one of the benches and enjoy the stunning views over the Città Bassa.
You can join Viale delle Mura after going through Porta Sant’Agostino to enter the Città Alta and walk along the first section enjoying the spectacular views.
If you leave Viale delle Mura and go into the Città Alta at Porta San Giacomo, you can walk up to Piazza Mercato delle Scarpe and then up Via Gombito to Piazza Vecchia.
Or, if you continue to walk along the rest of Viale delle Mura you will reach an area of open space called Colle Aperto near Porta Sant’Alessandro.
From there you can go through Piazza Cittadella and walk down Via Colleoni to reach Piazza Vecchia.
A walk along Viale delle Mura also gives you the opportunity to examine the magnificent 16th century walls at close quarters.
You can’t help but admire the complexity of the construction, which was a monumental achievement by the Venetian occupiers and rulers of Bergamo .
Benches offer a chance to enjoy the views
But records show that many people’s houses were demolished to make way for the walls and dramatic scenes must have taken place while they were being built.
Bergamo already had protective walls that dated back to Roman times, which had been rebuilt and repaired over the centuries. In medieval times the walls were extended and during Venice’s first conquest in the 15th century they were improved still further.
But it was the walls that were built from 1561 onwards and still stand today that visitors marvel at because of their size and grandeur.

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Best of Bergamo is two years old today. Since we started to collect statistical information the site has had 17,105 visits from 12,309 unique visitors, who have clocked up more than 37,000 page views.
This is more than three times the number of visits and unique visitors recorded at the end of Best of Bergamo's first year.
Bergamo's Piazza Vecchia
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Castle keeps watch over countryside round Bergamo

Not to be missed in Bergamo’s Citta Alta….


Castello San Vigilio offers spectacular views
Towering above Bergamo, the Castello at San Vigilio symbolises the military importance of the city over the centuries.
Bergamo’s second funicular railway in Largo di Porta Sant’Alessandro will take you up to San Vigilio, from where there are spectacular views over the Città Alta (upper town) and the surrounding hills, which are dotted with old villas and farmhouses.
From the funicular station, turn right and it is a short walk to the Castello, which was built as a defensive fortress with thick walls and four cylindrical towers, from which soldiers could keep watch over the surrounding countryside.
Parts of the Castello date back to
the sixth century
The Castello is thought to date back to the sixth century at least, but it is known to have been reinforced in the 14th and 15th centuries.
From the Castello, there are wonderful views over the surrounding countryside and Bergamo’s Città Alta and Città Bassa below. It is well worth the two and a half minute funicular ride up to San Vigilio for the photographic opportunities alone.

Castello San Vigilio in Via al Castello is open from 09.00 to 20.00 during the summer and from 10.00 to 16.00 during the winter. Tel: +39 035 236284.

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Ornate palace built after Italy became a kingdom

Not to be missed in Bergamo’s Città Bassa…


Palazzo della Provincia
One of the most impressive 19th century buildings in Bergamo’s Città Bassa (lower town) is the Palazzo della Provincia (provincial government building) in Via Torquato Tasso.
If you walk to the end of Via Sentierone and cross Largo Bortolo Belotti, Via Torquato Tasso continues in a straight line until it reaches Piazzetta Santo Spirito.
Bergamo’s seat of provincial government is on the right hand side of Via Tasso at number eight.
The palace was built between 1864 and 1871, the first public work to be carried out in Bergamo after the proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy.
The offices for the provincial government had previously been in the Città Alta (upper town) in Bernabo Visconti’s castle in Piazza Cittadella.
The new building was designed on a grand scale to house both the offices of the provincial administration and the prefecture of police. On the facade you will notice five carvings depicting significant events and personalities in Bergamo’s history. The final cost of the project was 640,000 lire.
While you are in Bergamo, look out for details of events and exhibitions taking place in Sala Manzù, an exhibition area that has been created inside the palace, named after Bergamo sculptor Giacomo Manzù.

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