

Taverna Valtellinese serves tasty treats from valley north of Bergamo

Taverna Valtellinese
Taverna Valtellinese
Sample the best food and wine from the Valtellina in a cosy restaurant in the heart of the Città Bassa in Bergamo.
Once inside the Taverna Valtellinese in Via Gerolamo Tiraboschi you feel as though you are in an alpine chalet. Although it is a large restaurant, the wooden walls and floor and the check tablecloths make the atmosphere warm and intimate.
The Taverna Valtellinese has been serving dishes made with authentic cheeses, butter, meat and wine from the Valtellina, a valley north of Bergamo, since opening in 1967.

Valtellina specialities

For antipasti there is a choice of bresaola, prosciutto and salame from the Valtellina.
Among the primi (first courses) on offer is the classic pizzoccheri di Teglio, a variation on fettucine, served with Swiss chard, boiled potatoes and Bitto and Casera cheese. There are also panzerotti, gnochetti and tortelloni dishes cooked alla valtellinese and rice dishes.
For secondi (main courses) there is a good choice of meat dishes including the local staple, stufatino ai funghi e polenta (meat with mushrooms and polenta), or culaccio di manzo al Sassella (beef braised in red wine from Sassella), spiedini alla griglia (a selection of meat grilled on a spit) or rognoncino in terrina con funghi (kidneys cooked with mushrooms). There are also some vegetarian and fish options
On my recent visit to Taverna Valtellinese I found that there was a good atmosphere and the restaurant was full of local people. I was particularly impressed with the antler-shaped chandelier on the ceiling and the white wine recommended by the waiter, which was a delicious Chiavennasca.

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