

Italy’s image under scrutiny in Bergamo

An exhibition poster
An exhibition to celebrate 150 years of Italian unity by examining the image of Italy abroad is currently being shown in Bergamo.
The Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea (GAMEC) is exhibiting works by 200 Italian and international artists covering a multitude of visual expressions of Italy.
The exhibition Il Belpaese dell’arte – etiche ed estetiche della nazione (The beautiful country of art – ethics and aesthetics of the nation) runs until 19 February, 2012.
The exhibition explores art, cinema, literature and Italian products to examine Italy’s image in elite and popular culture throughout the world since the 18th century.

How to find GAMEC

The gallery is at number 53 Via San Tomaso in the Città Bassa (lower town) and is a short walk from Via Sentierone in the centre. Leave along Via Torquato Tasso past the Church of San Bartolomeo. Turn left into Via Pignolo and walk uphill in the direction of the Città Alta (upper town) until you reach Piazzetta del Delfino. Turn right into Via San Tomaso and you will find the gallery on the right hand side before you reach Piazza Carrara at the end of the street.

Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday 10.00 – 19.00; Thursday 10.00 – 22.00. Closed Mondays.

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