

Try a taste of Vino Novello 2011 in Bergamo

Vino Novello is on display in many shops
One of the pleasures of visiting Bergamo in the autumn is tasting the new wine, which is available after 6 November.
Light, fruity Vino Novello 2011 has gone on sale in the shops and is being served in bars and restaurants. It is enjoyable to drink and would be a bargain buy to take home with you.
According to the newspaper L’Eco di Bergamo, 20,000 bottles have been produced locally this year, considerably fewer than used to be produced ten years ago.
But il Consorzio Tutela Valcalepio, the consortium for the protection of Valcalepio, Bergamo ’s local wine, is quoted as saying the quality of Vino Novello being produced has improved. Three local wine producers, Tallarini di Gandosso, il Calepino di Castelli Calepio and Locatelli Caffi di Chiuduno have put their Vino Novello on the market this year.
The wines have been described by experts as ‘soft, round, intriguing and velvety’.
Vino Novello is similar in taste, body and colour to the French Beaujolais Nouveau, which is traditionally exported to a number of other countries after its release.
Like Beaujolais Nouveau, Italy ’s new wine should be drunk quickly after the bottle is opened. Unopened bottles should be kept for only a few months.
So if you are lucky enough to get the opportunity to taste Vino Novello while visiting Bergamo , make sure you appreciate it. Salute!

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