

See masterpiece by Lorenzo Lotto

Not to be missed in Bergamo’s Città Alta…

San Michele al Pozzo Bianco
SAN MICHELE AL POZZO BIANCO (St Michael at the White Well)

The church of San Michele al Pozzo Bianco in Bergamo houses one of the greatest works by Renaissance artist Lorenzo Lotto.
Lotto is believed to have enjoyed the happiest and most productive period of his life while living in Bergamo between 1513 and 1525.
The Venetian-born painter became famous for his altar pieces, paintings of religious subjects and portraits.
While in Bergamo he lived near San Michele al Pozzo Bianco, which is probably why this ancient church contains one of his most important works, a series of frescoes entitled Vita di Maria (history of the life of the Virgin Mary).
A short walk down Via Porta Dipinta from Piazza Mercato delle Scarpe in the Città Alta (upper town) takes you to Largo San Michele al Pozzo Bianco.
The church, devoted to Saint Michael, dates back to the eighth century, but was rebuilt in the 12th and 13th centuries.
The stone façade was completed during restoration work carried out early in the 20th century, but the interior still has many medieval features, such as brick archways and an open truss roof.
The chapel devoted to the Virgin Mary, to the left of the altar, is entirely decorated with frescoes by Lorenzo Lotto.
San Michele contains many other beautiful 15th and 16th century frescoes and is a popular choice for weddings.
It is believed the church derived its name from a well that used to stand in the middle of the square and probably took water from the same cistern that filled the 13th century fountain in nearby Via Osmano.

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