

Bergamo postal palace was designed to impress

The post office in Via Masone
The main post office in Bergamo is in the Città Bassa (lower town) in Via Masone on its corner with Via Antonio Locatelli.
Like many buildings in the Città Bassa , il palazzo delle Poste is an impressive piece of architecture, designed to follow on from the development of the lower town at the beginning of the 20th century.
Built of brown stone, the building has a tall clock tower and the long windows typical of 1930s architecture.
The Poste e Telegrafi building was planned in 1929 by Angiolo Mazzoni and completed in 1932.
Mazzoni married the daughter of Mussolini's Minister of Communications, Galeazzo Ciano, and his career benefited from his close connections with the Fascist regime, who were keen to use dynamically modern architecture to encourage the Italian people to associate Fascism with progress. 
He became chief architect for the Ministry of Communications and for the state railways, which were at the heart of the Fascist rebuilding programmes.  Hundreds of post offices and railway stations around Italy were built from Mazzoni designs.
Detail from the plaque outside the post office
It is well worth a look inside to enable you to appreciate the scale and style of the building, with its glass lamps and works of art by Mario Sironi, commissioned to decorate the ground floor sala dei telegrammi.
The post office can be easily reached from Viale Vittorio Emmanuele by walking down Via Zelasco.

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