

Bergamo art exhibition wins time for gallery restoration

Palazzo della Ragione
Visitors to Bergamo can look inside the 12th century Palazzo della Ragione in the Città Alta (upper town) and enjoy some of the finest paintings from the prestigious Accademia Carrara collection at the same time.
While the Accademia’s neoclassical building in the Città Bassa (lower town) is being restored, a selection of the gallery’s most important works are on show in the Truss Room of the Palazzo della Ragione.
The exhibition ‘Vincere il Tempo’ (literally Winning Time) will run throughout 2011 from Tuesday to Sunday each week.
The exhibition follows the collecting history of the Accademia, which was begun by Giacomo Carrara in the middle of the 18th century and has since received donations from other passionate art collectors.
Along with works by Raphael, Titian and Mantegna, masterpieces by local artists such as Giovan Battista Moroni, Fra’ Galgario and Vincenzo Foppa are on display.
The entrance to the exhibition is up the covered staircase in Piazza Vecchia and along the little bridge that leads to the top floor of the palazzo.
The ticket price is €5, but there are reductions for groups and families. For more information visit

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