

Risotto alla bergamasca

Classic Bergamo risotto

A tasty and warming risotto with vegetables is a northern Italian classic dish.
Try this delicious version from Bergamo , which is simple and quick to prepare.
For four people you will need:

Arborio rice, 400 gr
Extra virgin olive oil
Peeled carrots, 2
Onion, finely chopped
Peas, 170 gr, fresh or defrosted from frozen
Zucchini, 2
Dry white wine, 125ml
Vegetable or chicken stock, 500 ml
Salt and pepper
Grated parmesan, or a similar type of hard cheese

To make:
Wash and chop the carrots and zucchini. In a saucepan, saute the onion in oil with the carrots, zucchini and peas for a few minutes until soft but not brown. Add the rice and toast it slightly before adding the wine. Let it bubble and then reduce the heat and add the stock, a little at a time, stirring until it is absorbed. This will take about 15 minutes. Season to taste. The risotto is ready when the rice is no longer hard, but be careful not to overcook it, or it will become too soft. When you think it is ready, turn off the heat and add the butter, cheese and parsley. Serve, piping hot, on to previously warmed plates.

Buon Appetito!

Bergamo Main Sights

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