

Chestnuts Bergamo style

Castagne Bergamasche

Chestnuts are plentiful at Christmas
If you have some chestnuts left over after making the Christmas vegetable dishes and stuffings, why not try out a simple way of cooking them from Bergamo.
There are lots of chestnut trees in the countryside round Bergamo, many growing wild. After the nuts are harvested they are often roasted on bonfires before being used to make delicious soups, tarts and cakes.
But this is a quick and easy dish you can make in your own home.
Roast your chestnuts on a baking tray in a hot oven, first using a sharp knife to make a cross in the flat side.
Quickly peel them while they are still hot.
Toss them in a dry frying pan over a high heat without using any butter or oil.
Remove the pan from the heat and sprinkle the chestnuts with Grappa and sugar.
Mix and then flambé them. The heated spirit will light with a match.
Eat the chestnuts as soon as the flames disappear.
For a kilo of hot, roasted chestnuts you will need about 70 mls of Grappa and three tablespoons of caster sugar.

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