

Bergamo remembers Saint Alexander

Lights on Via Sant' Alessandro
Early September is a good time to visit Bergamo.
The city is still celebrating after the festa in honour of patron saint Alessandro on 26 August and it is lit up by decorative lights at night.
Although less crowded than earlier in the summer there is still plenty going on and the weather is warm and sunny.
Sant’Alessandro was killed by the Romans in 303 for refusing to renounce his Christian faith and continuing to preach in Bergamo.
This year for the first time a historical reconstruction of the event took place in Bergamo, with those taking part dressed in authentic costumes.
A procession through the city was followed by a gastronomic celebration in the Piazza Vecchia in the Città Alta (upper town) presided over by the Vescovo (bishop) and Sindaco (mayor). Torta Sant’Alessandro and the local Valcalepio wine were served, followed by musical entertainment.
There was still plenty of live music to enjoy in the streets when I was in Bergamo for a visit at the beginning of September.A single flautist under the archways of the Palazzo della Ragione in the Città Alta provided soft background music as I enjoyed a drink before lunch sitting outside the Caffè del Tasso.
And in the evening there were musicians entertaining people as they strolled along Via Sant’Alessandro in the Città Bassa (lower town) enjoying the lights and festive atmosphere.

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