

Views from San Vigilio

For spectacular views of the countryside around Bergamo and to be able to look down over the Città Alta (upper town), it is worth making the trip up to San Vigilio.
The easiest way is to take the funicolare from Largo di Porta Sant’ Alessan- dro, just outside the city walls.
The single track funicular railway runs between the Città Alta and San Vigilio every few minutes. If you have a day bus ticket or a three-day bus ticket you will be able to use it for the journey.
Next to San Vigilio’s funicular station in Via al Castello there is a terrace from which you can take photographs and admire the views of the Città Alta (above) and the Città Bassa. On a clear day you can see the hills leading to the alpi orobiche (Orobic Alps) north of Bergamo in the distance. 

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