

See over the city from La Rocca

Città Alta's towers from La Rocca
One of the best places to take photographs in Bergamo’s Città Alta (upper town) is the Parco delle Rimembranze (park of remembrance) which surrounds the imposing circular tower of La Rocca.
The park provides one of the most extended views from the Città Alta over the surrounding countryside, and, at its highest point, you can see over the roofs of the buildings in the Città Alta and have almost a bird’s eye view of the top sections of the Campanone and other towers.
To reach the park, walk up the Via Rocca, which leads off Via Gombito opposite the Torre Gombito, which houses the Ufficio di Informazione Turistiche (Tourist Information Office).
The park was originally the site of a Roman building that was followed by an early Christian church.
Construction of the majestic circular tower known as La Rocca was started in 1331 by Giovanni di Boemia. It was continued under the Visconti family and then under the Venetians, who both ruled Bergamo later.
In the 19th century La Rocca was used both as a barracks and a prison, but it now houses the Museo del Risorgimento (Risorgimento museum), which contains documents and exhibits relating to the unification of Italy.

Language point

Il Risorgimento, which literally means revival or renewal, is the term used to describe the period in Italian history that led to the unification of the country in the 1870s and the political, social and artistic movements that took place at the same time.

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