

Bergamo honours Alpini

You could be forgiven for thinking that Bergamo was showing support for the Italian side in the World Cup finals one month early.
At the weekend, while I was visiting the city I saw the Italian flag being proudly displayed from every building, window and balcony.
Even the columns of Porta Nuova in the Città Bassa (lower town) were draped with the colours of the tricolore.
I discovered what had prompted this display of patriotism when I read in the newspaper that the city had welcomed the Alpini the weekend before for three days of marches, concerts and celebrations.
The Alpini, the elite mountain warfare soldiers in the Italian army, had come to Bergamo for their 83rd annual rally.

Big crowds turned out to watch them march through the city and many restaurants put on special menus for the event.
There was also a wreath laying, a mass for the fallen, and a fireworks display. Even the cranes doing work on the city were draped with giant Italian flags.
Although I had missed the parades and celebrations, I enjoyed the carnival atmosphere in the city and some lovely sunny weather during my 48-hour stay last weekend.

I was pleased to discover great enthusiasm for this website from all the people I spoke to in restaurants, bars and shops and from the friendly staff at the tourism information offices in both the Città Alta and the Città Bassa.
Let’s hope the azzurri, the Italian national football team, will give people in Bergamo a reason to celebrate again soon.


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