

What to see in Crema

A fascinating place to visit while staying in Bergamo is Crema, which is 40 kilometres to the south.
Crema is steeped in history with some fine architecture and it is well worth making the short drive or train journey to get there.
If you take the train you will have to change at Treviglio and board a train bound for Cremona, which is further down the line. When you arrive in Crema you will come out into Piazza Martiri della Libertà. Walk along the Via Giardino past the public gardens and go through the Piazzale della Rimembranza to Piazza Garibaldi,where there are bars and shops.
Continue walking along Via Mazzini, which is a pleasant street lined with shops, towards the centre of town.
If you arrive by car you will be able to park near Porta Ombriano in Piazza Giovanni XXIII. Porta Ombriano was built in 1805 following a neoclassical design by architect Fastino Rodi from Cremona.
In nearby Via delle Grazie is the 17th century church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, which was built to house an ancient painting of the Madonna.
A short distance away in Via XX Settembre is the beautiful baroque church of Santa Trinità.
If you continue walking towards Piazza Duomo you will see the clock on the Torazzo, which belongs to the town council with the façade of the Duomo visible behind it.

The Duomo (right) was completed in 1341 on the site of an earlier church. Although changes were made over the years, it has been restored back to its original Gothic design. It contains some 14th century and later frescoes.
There are many more churches and plenty of palaces to see in Crema, as well as an open air market and an old theatre. There is also no shortage of good bars and restaurants.

Where to eat in Crema


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