

Eating out in Crema

Visitors enjoying a day out in the historic city of Crema will find that there is no shortage of good bars and places to eat. 
Just 40 kilometres to the south of Bergamo, the city of Crema has some fine architecture and it is well worth making the journey by train or road to spend a day there.
In the centre of the city, near a beautiful church, the ornate 18th century Santa Trinità (pictured left), you will find the Speranza Ristorante and Pizzeria is a good place to stop for a meal.
Offering specialities from Amalfi as well as traditional Lombardian cuisine, the Speranza (pictured below) is smart and comfortable and the dishes on the menu are reasonably priced.
The pizza I enjoyed during my visit to the restaurant in February this year was as authentic as any I have tasted when in the south of Italy,
The Speranza says on its business card that it is putting “45 years of experience at the service of the customer” and I certainly found the staff to be friendly and efficient. 

Speranza is in Via Crocefissa di Rosa off Via XX Settembre and is open every day except Monday. To book in advance telephone 0373 84702.

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Ristorante Speranza in Crema

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