

Easter egg hunt

Easter eggs make a lovely window display
Easter Saturday is usually a busy shopping day in Bergamo.
Anyone who has not yet bought their Easter eggs will have the chance to browse among the tempting displays in the shops such as the one pictured here.
Italian Easter eggs are usually wrapped artistically in
coloured cellophane and tied with pretty ribbons. They often contain a toy, or in the case of Easter eggs for adults, a gift, which can sometimes be as substantial as a mobile phone!
There are some fascinating chocolate and cake shops in the Via Colleoni in the Città Alta (upper town.)
Down in the Città Bassa (lower town) there is a well-stocked chocolate and sweet shop in the Via Tiraboschi, a left turn off the Viale Papa Giovanni XX111 at Largo Porta Nuova. The shop also sells a selection of boxes of chocolates and biscuits that are ideal to take home as holiday presents. 

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