

Bergamo’s baptistery

Il Battistero
The octagonal building to the right of the Colleoni Chapel in Piazza Duomo in the Città Alta (upper town) is Il Battistero (the Baptistery), which has had an interesting life.
Il Battistero was built in 1340 by Giovanni da Campione to be placed inside the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore.
However it was dismantled in 1680 to be reconstructed and placed in a courtyard at the side of the Duomo.
Then in 1898 it was moved to its present site next to the Colleoni Chapel in the Piazza Duomo.
The upper part of the building, with its elegant marble pillars and eight 14th century statues representing the virtues, is part of the original building. Inside, the baptesimal font is still the original that was designed by Giovanni da Campione. During its last move a base was added to give the building greater height.
Il Battistero is kept locked and is open to visitors by appointment only.

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