

Where to stay in the Città Alta

Piazza Vecchia in Città Alta

There are only four hotels in Bergamo’s Città Alta (upper town) but they are all in stunning locations.
Just off the Piazza Vecchia (pictured above), at the corner of the Via Colleoni and the Via Rivola is the Albergo Ristorante Il Sole. Furnished in traditional style with a pleasant garden, it has ten rooms available for booking. It has the benefit of an excellent restaurant on the ground floor. Visit for more details.
Further up the Via Colleoni, on the right hand side, is the Hotel Piazza Vecchia, located in a 13th century house. Although the hotel has retained some of the building’s original features and wooden beams, the rooms are furnished in a contemporary style with smart bathrooms. Visit to view their photo gallery or book on line here.
At the top of the Via Colleoni in Piazza Macheroni is the Hotel San Lorenzo. It is in a handy location near the Colle Aperto and some of the rooms have balconies and views of the mountains. Visit to find out more or book on line here.
In the Via Gombito, a short walk from the funicular to the lower town, is the Agnello d’Oro hotel, which is in a 17th century building. Some of the rooms have balconies looking out on to a square. It also has a popular restaurant. Visit to view the hotel’s photo gallery.
Location is everything with all four of these hotels as they give the visitor the chance to experience living in the unique atmosphere of the Città Alta.

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